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RIght from the Start Campaign Reacts to Governor McKee Signing FY State Budget Into Law

RIght from the Start Campaign Reacts to Governor McKee Signing FY 2023 State Budget Into Law

“The budget passed by the General Assembly and signed into law today by Governor McKee contains numerous wins for the health and education of Rhode Island’s children and parents,” said Leanne Barrett, Senior Policy Analyst, Rhode Island KIDS COUNT and Coordinator of the RIght from the Start Campaign, led by Beautiful Beginnings, Economic Progress Institute, Latino Policy Institute, Parents Leading for Educational Equity (PLEE), Rhode Island Association for the Education of Young Children, Rhode Island Association for Infant Mental Health, the Rhode Island Head Start Association, and Rhode Island KIDS COUNT. “The budget increases access to quality, affordable child care for working parents, while investing in our state’s workforce of early educators. We’re also pleased to see much needed investments in Early Intervention and First Connections, programs that are essential to young children experiencing developmental challenges. Finally, the budget includes important wins for child and maternal health including expanding Medicaid coverage for low-income children regardless of immigration status and expanding Medicaid coverage through 12-months postpartum to ensure the health of new moms. The RIght from the Start Campaign thanks Governor McKee, the House and Senate for their work on this budget and for important investments that will help to ensure all Rhode Island kids get off to the right start in life.”