RIght from the Start

Advancing State Policies For Young Children & Families

right from the start advancing state policies for young children & families

Our Campaign

RIght from the Start is a legislative and budget campaign to advance state policies for young children and their families in Rhode Island. Now is the time for Rhode Island to invest in building strong systems to make the state the best place to have a family. Rhode Island needs state budget investments and policies that help ensure ALL Rhode Island babies and young children, regardless of zip code, race, ethnicity, or family income, get off to the right start in life!

Our 2025 Agenda

Rhode Island needs state budget investments and policies that help ensure ALL Rhode Island babies and young children, regardless of zip code, race, ethnicity, or family income, get off to the right start in life!

right from the start advancing state policies for young children & families

News & Events

Steering Committee

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