Family Economic Security
Family Economic Security
- Improve Paid Family Leave
- Improve the RI Works Cash Assistance program
- Increase the State Earned Income Tax Credit
Improve Paid Family Leave
- Expand from 6 weeks to 12 weeks of paid family leave to meet national standards and match CT and MA programs. (Giraldo/Lawson)
- Increase the wage replacement level so all parents, and especially lower wage-earning parents, can have adequate income to stay home and care for newborns, adoptive, and foster children.
Improve the RI Works Cash Assistance Program (Handy/Murray)
- Adopt RI Works policies recommended by the Raising Rhode Island Coalition:
- Update the cash assistance benefit to ensure children do not live in deep poverty (below 50% FPL)
- Adopt an annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA).
- Repeal the full family sanction.
- Restore eligibility to legal permanent residents.
Increase the State Earned Income Tax Credit (Felag and O’Brien)
- Increase Rhode Island’s refundable EITC to 30% of the federal credit, comparable to policy in place in CT and MA.