ALL Rhode Island kids, regardless of zip code, race, ethnicity, or family income, deserve to get off the right start in life. A start where all young mothers have healthy births, where new parents have the precious time needed to bond with their babies, and affordable, high quality child care, Pre-K, and early learning options are available across our state.
That’s why we are kicking off the RIght from the Start campaign on February 27th at 3:30pm at the State House. While Rhode Island has much to offer, the reality is too many families struggle to support their young children during the critical early years of brain development. Rhode Island needs sustainable state funding and must raise additional state revenue for programs and policies that support families and their children from prenatal to Pre-K. These investments will pay dividends for our children’s success and our state’s economy for years to come.
Please join elected and policy leaders on February 27th as we launch the RIght from the Start campaign and advocate for a legislative policy agenda to ensure that ALL Rhode Island kids get off to the right start they deserve!
WHAT: RIght from the Start campaign kickoff
WHO: Early childhood policy leaders, General Assembly champions, young parents and children
WHEN: Thursday, February 27th at 3:30pm
WHERE: Rhode Island State House, State Room – 82 Smith St, Providence, RI 02903
Light refreshments will be served.