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Rhode Island Early Educator Higher Education Career Pathways – Challenges Barriers and Solutions

Rhode Island Early Educator Higher Education Career Pathways – Challenges, Barriers, and Solutions

Several members of the RIght from the Start Steering Committee worked together to document systemic barriers and challenges that early educators face when trying to earn professional credentials, complete college degrees, and improve their wages and benefits while continuing to do the work they love – caring for and educating infants, toddlers, and young children in community-based programs. We are working with Senator Sandra Cano and Rep. Julie Casimiro and other legislative leaders this year to pass the Early Educator Investment Act (S-2235 and H-7283) and are eager to help the Postsecondary Education Commissioner, Department of Human Services, and Rhode Island Department of Education implement solutions that help working early educators earn credentials, complete degrees, and improve their compensation. In Rhode Island and nationally, early educators earn very low wages, are almost entirely women, and a significant proportion of them are women of color.

Read the full report here.